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Work life balance

Jan 17, 2017 ahanacare

In a rapidly growing world, our jobs are not the same as they used to be. Work today demands so much more than it did in the last few decades. Everyone seems to be so tied up with their work now that they do not have the time to do much else. The consequence of this is taxing on both the physical and mental health. This makes it absolutely necessary to balance your work as well as your other personal activities and that’s what work-life balance is all about. If you feel you’re unable to balance work and personal life activities then it might be a good idea to try these strategies.

  1. Take a break from technology.

There is no job today that does not use technology. We may forget our lunch at home but none of us would dare think of leaving our mobile phones or laptops at home. Technology has made communication so convenient that people believe it is essential to be in constant contact. The truth is, you cannot devote all your hours to your job as this doesn’t give you time to do or even think of anything else. Fix a time till which you will be available to address work-related issues and inform others to contact you only within these hours. Make it clear to them that you will not be reachable after this time to talk about work except in the case of an absolute emergency.

  1. Assign space for a work-free environment.

Technology has not just made communication easy, but has also made people more accessible to each other. Location or distance is not an issue anymore as people can always be contacted no matter where they are (even when they are on vacation). In such times, it’s good to have a place that you can keep “work-free”. No work or work-related discussions can be brought to this place. It could be any place that you like – a room at home, a park nearby that you like to visit or even your dining table while you have your meals.

  1. Make time for you.

It’s also very important that you make time for yourself. You need to find time to do the activities that are important to you. Take time off you busy schedule – even just 15 minutes – to do something you like and which keeps you relaxed. This will give you a break from your hectic work routine and help you relieve your stress.
For a lot of people, their life seems to be limited just to their work. Although your job is a very important aspect of your life, it does not define who you are. So, don’t give it the power to rule your life.